Monday, 17 February 2025

Highmark BCBS Delaware, Wellinks Partner for Virtual COPD Care

Enhancing COPD Care: Highmark BCBS Delaware Teams Up with Wellinks to Introduce Virtual Solutions

Highmark BlueCross Blue Shield Delaware partners with Wellinks to deliver virtual COPD care to underserved populations in Delaware. With Wellinks, Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Delaware members will be able to access empowering and effective COPD care solutions from the comfort of their own homes.

COPD care in the U.S. is extremely fragmented, though the disease is the nation’s third leading cause of death by chronic disease. The rurality of some areas of Delaware presents a unique opportunity for innovative approaches to close certain gaps in care. Wellinks combines virtual pulmonary rehabilitation, personalized health coaching, monitoring through connected devices, and a patient-friendly app to empower patients to manage their COPD. Wellinks’ virtual-first approach emphasizes proactive, preventive care that helps people living with COPD avoid exacerbations, stay out of the hospital, and improve their quality of life.

With Wellinks, Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Delaware members will be able to access empowering and effective COPD care solutions from the comfort of their own homes. The Wellinks virtual-first approach to pulmonary rehabilitation provides members with exercises and education to improve their lung health and reduce shortness of breath.

With personalized support from Wellinks coaches, Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Delaware members will identify and achieve goals that will help them better manage and live with COPD. And by incorporating connected devices into the care plan, members can easily track their symptoms, access their pulmonary data, stick to their medication plan, and monitor their own progress to stay in control of their health. This data offers care teams longitudinal insights that can help inform clinical decisions and help members stay on track with their care plan.

Published on : 10th July, 2023