Digitally Enabled Smart Health Clinics - Family First (DESH clinics)
Penetrated into rural set up
Inception- 2021
Location- New Delhi
Domain- Digital healthcare
Founders- Dr (Maj) Harshita Surange, Dr (Maj) Pankaj Surange & Ajay Sharma
Total team strength- 8
Total funds raised- NA
Investors- NA
Revenue generated since inception- NA
Key highlights-
- Within six months of getting established, DESH clinic is not only having its own application but also has 25 operational clinics in Madhya Pradesh region
- Penetrated into rural set up
- 27 clinics on board as of date with in-house team of General Physicians, Well established network with local health workers
- Digital Health camps every Sunday for each clinic to bring acceptance of Digital Health
- Identified Technology partners to bring effectiveness in Point of Care based Diagnostic systems
- Designed a low cost Electric Vehicle based Green Mobile Medical Unit (GMMU) which is very suitable for rural areas
- To grow to 6000 Units by year 2025
- State level Centre of Excellence Model Clinic units to come up for local level innovations in patient care
- To develop point of Care diagnostic Devices ( in collaboration with device manufacturer) to enable better remote assessment of patient’s health.
- Planning special Skill development for Rural Health workers to enable them to manage clinics effectively
- Expanding DESH Clinic concept in South East Asia and African countries
Founder Speaks-
"Telemedicine is a necessity for rural areas to bridge the gap between availability of quality medical professionals and needs of rural patients. India has 6.5 Villages, there is enough scope of multiple players to provide services. AI will bring good solutions to tele-health for rural/remote healthcare. The entire eco-system will evolve and we will go beyond tele-consultation, it will be remote surgeries/procedure which will happen with help of established high end gold standard clinics."
- Ajay Sharma, Co-founder & Chief Operating Officer, DESH Clinic, New Delhi
L-R- Dr (Maj) Pankaj Surange, Dr (Maj) Harshita Surange & Ajay Sharma

Published on : 01st June, 2022